
Drugs are the modern-day Eve’s apple. Economics is so philosophical. Why is marijuana condemned? Any true Christian would have to admit that God put it all here. Is it temptation, or is the real temptation giving in to the social construct? Reality is self-defined. If I can get more pleasure out of drug-induced contemplation and meditation, why on earth would I avoid it because society says happiness is to be found in measured success, material wealth and fickle relationships? You think it’s hippie shit until you try it. Some things are more dependable than people and goals. Condemn it as addictive and sloth-inducing so that you never do try, so that you never have to ask questions. How are alcohol and nicotine legal, while pot and shrooms lead you on a crash course to hell? They’re all chemicals, activators, found in the earth and explored throughout history.

Everything is data stream, at once both infinitely malleable and limiting. We are shielded from the world, and we build over the earth as we clothe ourselves in so many layers of falsity and insecurity that truth becomes untouchable. There is too much to understand, but I am left with this: the feel of dirt beneath my hands, a constant sense of falling in love, empathy and ecstasy, the chaos of consciousness, evolution. Why the striving, the grasping at straws, attempting to be the kings and queens of our carefully constructed social realities? Why, even, the effort? There is no shame in obscurity. Fall in. Nebulous and far-reaching, perfect acceptence, believing in awe and wonder.

I look in, and the sky’s not there. I am submerged and fearless, I could be the eye in your storm and the sunlight after a hundred days of darkness. Will this warm glow fade, or is it a part of me now? Neurons make connections that were never there before. This is solace. Breathe in and exist.

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