under a tapestry of sighs i met my demise,
a burgeoning blanket of burdens!
bliss begins with a kiss-
made heavy beneath the loss of this
ecstatic experience has a nefarious side
undone my boundaries flew loose as i did
how now folding always : come back tempestuously…!
cold wind bites the face
as soil hardens beneath tired legs
these are the artifacts of time.
i fall asleep unspoken.
glass after glass we drink away the past
powders and softening gazes…
age i hate you yet you are inevitable and so i should not
but i cannot ask for more
and i wish only for a more raw self,
we are all only less as it passes.
such is the inconsequence of apathy.
and the future is so doomful.
and i have no more witty rhymes,
only the memories of stranger times.
yet it emerges unexpected and quite well.
in case you cared.
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